New Moon Ritual


Hello, Beautiful Ones,

Today there is a very special New Moon - right before love day! ♥

Last year at this time I was with a group of wild and fabulous women in Bali doing wondrous and magical things. This year looks very different, but my gratitude feels the same. I feel blessed to be surrounded by the beautiful people in my life and I am grateful every day for my family's ongoing good health and well-being.

Tonight I’ll be doing a new moon ritual on my own. I was going to host this ritual on Patreon so that we could all join in together, but I’ve found that I’m not quite finished hermitting yet, and so it will be a cozy solo ritual night.

But I do want to share with you some of the things I’ll be focusing on tonight:

What do I want from love? 
How exactly do I want love to show up in my life? 
How do I want to show up for the love in my life?
How can I fall more deeply in love with myself?
Are there parts of myself I’m still being judgmental of?
What words of Love and Affirmation can I offer myself?

What do I want to create?
What are my heart's desires?
What’s holding me back from following my heart's desires?
What would life be like if I immersed myself in the act of creating what my heart desires? 

What are my monetary goals for this year?
How do I want to achieve them?
What frightens me about achieving them?
How would it feel if I achieved all my financial goals this year?

I will be sitting at my altar, doing some mandala offerings, as well as a little spirit journey.